Friday, November 16, 2007

Keep Your Mouth Shut, Steny Hoyer! A Diatribe Not For Children-Rated R

Keep Your Mouth Shut, Steny Hoyer! A Diatribe Not For Children-Rated R

So now this asshat resorts to Reaganology in his efforts to get the ultra corporate Hillary elected? All of my efforts to be proper and friendly have temporarily paused, for those of you who love a good ole' cussfest, here it goes-Look at this garbage:

"I like Reagan's rule applied to his party: speak no ill of Republicans. I don't like it when our party, that agrees on 95 percent of the issues, so exacerbate the nuances of differences."
-- House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, in an interview to air later tonight on Bloomberg's Political Capital with Al Hunt, critical of the "mud slinging" during last night's Democratic debate.

Nuances? You stupid fool, you think the difference between warmongering and peace is nuance? Guess what, Asshat? Our candidates do not agree on 95 percent of the issues. In fact, we agree on very little, and your dumb ass should stay out of a business that is for professionals. The future of our party is at stake and I guess you are one of the "Feinsteinocrats" who think that endless triangulation and posturing is beneficial to progressives. Well I am here to tell you something, Mr. Asshat, I am a progressive first, Democrat second. Which means I am shopping Mr. Asshat. In fact, call me a "Feingoldocrat", which is latin for "more guts than the average Democrat".

I have fucking had it. This is not about the Senator from New York. She is but a symptom, not the disease. In fact, she might could be a good President if she has courage to break free from the weak, shiftless, ineffectual so called "leadership" that plagues my party. Until that point, what choice do I have but John Edwards? I am fed up. This party capitulates on trade, it capitulates habitually on Iraq, now fucking Iran, prescription drugs, Social Security, gay rights, oh and did I mention WAR, Asshat?
If you like Reaganolgy so fucking much, I suggest you join them, because unlike the groupthink of the enemy, us Progressives/Democrats have an opinion, and the courage to express it. If the rhetorical train of Progressivism threatens you get off of the tracks Asshat because it is coming through and you can either stay tied to the tracks or join us, and personally, I don't give a flying Monkeyfuck what you do-you can be replaced! Got it? This has been a diatribe brought to you by Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll will rejoin shortly. Thank You!

Cross-posted at:

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